Breaking Free from Burnout

Breaking Free from Burnout

Burnout can be said to be at epidemic levels within senior leaders, with this group being most at risk of stress induced diseases such as cardiovascular disease and stroke. Burnout is a vicious circle of overwork, stress, high demands that leaves the individual physically and emotionally drained. In the juggling of professional demands, personal commitments, and the always-on culture, our mental well-being pays the price.

The relentless pursuit of excellence, combined with the blurred boundaries between work and life, forms the perfect breeding ground for burnout. If you have reached burnout, there may be no other solution than to take a break. A real break, away from work, emails and daily stressors. You may think this isn't possible, but once you have reached burnout your body will likely force you to take a break anyway.

If you haven't yet reached burnout there are things that you can do to mitigate the risk of reaching full burnout -

Establish Boundaries

Clearly define and maintain boundaries between work and personal life. Set specific work hours, avoid checking emails outside those hours, and make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Creating a clear separation can prevent work from encroaching on your personal time, fostering a healthier balance.

Mindful Practices

Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine to cultivate awareness and reduce stress. Activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness-based stress reduction can help you stay present and manage the overwhelming thoughts that contribute to burnout.

Establish Routines that Recharge You

Crafting routines that prioritize your well-being is key. Throughout the day, infuse your routine with short breaks for rejuvenation - a brisk walk, a few minutes of stretching, or even a mindful pause. Integrate activities that bring you joy and recharge your energy into your evenings, creating a buffer between work and relaxation. Schedule catch ups with friends, treat yourself to a solo round of golf or relaxing massage and protect these appointments as you would an appointment with your doctor!

Speak to a friend

Sharing is caring! And it helps to de-stress! Sharing without the expectation of solving your problem, but just sharing to vent can be a helpful camping strategy and can at the same time give you clarity on your situation.

Make a Change

If things are really bad and not getting better, consider making a change in your life. Can you get extra support? Do you need to change something about your work? Is a different company going to be a better fit for your values? Its easy to get stuck into a routine without stopping to think if things could be better done differently.

Connect to understand how to avoid burnout and find balance between work and life.